Mobile App for Local Business

Not everyone needs an App, but some do.

If you want your customers to be retained and engaged with better offers?

If you want to collect payments via App?

If you want to offer your customers discounts, loyalty points, Geo-tracking, booking/reservation platforms? Then you need an App.

For local businesses like Spa, Salon, Real Estate, Dentistry, Chiropractic, Restaurants, Legal and Fitness, or whoever wants to create an eCommerce store or food ordering app, we offer the perfect App for your business being Best App development Agency in Pune.

We IPSense Consultancy, the Android App Development Company in Pune have expertise in delivering App solutions to all kinds of industries.

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Targeted Geo Fencing

This feature allows you to set a specific area and set a radius around that area, any of your app users that go through this area will receive the specific marketing message you setup. You can setup as many geofences as you would like.

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Reservation Booking System

A convenient self-service booking system that can integrate with your existing website where you can customize the entire booking process. With the restaurant reservation system, you can customize the booking process, enable people to book a table through your app or website, manage restaurant availability, and reservations.

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Container Apps

Build and host thousands of apps within a single app. Each app within the container can be managed individually, having its own features. This is perfect for franchises, chains with many outlets and groups.

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Push Notifications

Give you the ability to reward your clients based on actions they preform, for example if they complete their profile, like your social media pages, on their birthday, or even just for downloading your app.

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Loyalty Rewards Programs

A full-fledged Shopping Cart is integrated and has an easy administration page providing full control over product pages, orders and invoicing. This is perfect for eCom stores, local businesses and anyone selling their digital, physical or info products through their app.

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Auto Pilot Feature

The Auto Pilot feature automatically sends customers the right message at the right time. All you need to do is log into your dashboard and setup the campaigns and our technology does the rest. This is a set it and forget it feature, where you can set up different amounts of times that your customers have not been into your business, and have the system send preset messages. For example, you could set up 30, 60, 90-day campaigns and the system will automatically send your messages to customers that have not been into your business for those periods.

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Ability to Chat

We give you the ability to add in app chat as a feature – where users can chat with other users, or the Admin, or even specific departments setup by the owner of the App.

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Geofencing Notifications

This feature allows you to set a specific area and set a radius around that area, any of your app users that go through this area will receive the specific marketing message you setup. You can setup as many geofences as you would like. Although there are no limits on your usage please keep in mind that customers may not want to be constantly bombarded with push notifications from your business, and overdoing it may result in them deleting your app. We give you the ability to restrict how many times a device receives these messages.

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Emails / Newsletter

With all Mass Mobile Apps, you will have a fully integrated email program where you can import existing email lists and send bulk emails to your lists including your app users. Setup campaigns and track open rates and click throughs

So, if YOU or your clients are…local businesses, like

So, if you or your clients are local businesses, like

Or, Service providers of any kind

Or, Affiliate Marketers

Or may be, eCom Store Owners

Or just anyone looking to dominate their market with a massive and unmatched online presence, You NEED a Mobile App for your business.

But also to Get More Customers

  • Increase Retention Rate, and
  • Make Way More Money Than They Ever Thought Possible!

Reasons why users prefer mobile apps
over websites in retail

 63%   It’s More Convenient 

57%  It's Faster

 40% My Settings are stored

31% Benefits/Rewards for using IT

21%  There is more personalized content

20% I can find better deals

14% I can do more of the things i want

5% it is more entertaining

2% Others

They are the PRESENT and are here to stay.

Traffic and User engagement is the life line of any business, and as we know, without proper user engagement, businesses suffer and die a slow and painful death.

90% of The Businesses Are Wiped Out Within a Year Due To Lack of Traffic and Poor Customer Retention.

With high popularity of mobile Apps businesses know that having a Mobile App is simply the Mandate if they want to survive.

Times are changing and so is Digital Marketing World. One thing that never changes though, is the need to have a healthy flux of customers in your business and more importantly, retaining them and making them take action.

In other words, if you have a business,

YOU MUST have an excellent customer
interaction and retention rate.

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Marketing eMails, Blogs, vLogs, Social Media and many other ways were practically invented and used to fulfil this need. We still use them all.

However, the Not So New Kid on the Block
takes the HotShot of the Era Prize!