Facebook Launcher Package

To know more about importance of Facebook Marketing for local businesses
IPSense Consulting is a fast-growing digital marketing agency operating in Baner, Pune. It highly focuses on local and independent businesses in Pune and helps to grow their business manifolds. The aim is to bring these local businesses forward by helping them gain a maximum local customer base through social media. Facebook Page launcher package is one of the services offered by IPSense Consulting which help businesses with minimum or no Facebook presence to tap the customers on Facebook and generate leads, along with maximizing the brand reach. The package is broken down into 3 simple steps:

Step1: Get a High-Quality Facebook Page (search-friendly + services ready)
Facebook offers the BEST Digital step towards Social Media. The Facebook page allows you to get your presence on the world’s most active social media platform – FACEBOOK (FB). Thus, an FB page is a MUST for any business. Get Smart Suburbs Social Media Expert to shape your FB page the best way.
Price: Rs.4000
Bonus: We bundle 5 highly creative social media posts FREE for your page
Step2: Video to market your Brand / Product / Service is all that is required to grab the attention of your prospects.
A video says a thousand pictures. TRUE. A Video with a good storyline is a clear winner when it is about hypnotizing your audience. We provide VIDEO which is perfect for your Biz to take the following STEP 3 of Social Media Marketing which is Facebook Ad
Price: Rs.4000
Bonus: Your video is also posted FREE on Smart Suburbs Youtube channel to gain max visibility.

STEP 3: Advertise on Facebook for Leads Generation.
Without Paid FB ads, you will wait till the cows come home and the doorway lamp will dim away. FB Advertisement is the most COST EFFECTIVE dose to gain prospects. Don’t let the prospects wait too long and get them calling.
Price: Starting Rs.4000
Bonus: your Marketing Video will be posted for FREE on 20 Facebook pages of the Smart Suburbs network.