Lead Generation Landing Pages for FB Ads, Google Ads Agency in Pune

What is Funnel Marketing aka High-Speed Landing Pages for Google / Facebook Lead Generation Ads?
Being the best lead generation company in Pune, we often get such kinds of questions. Funnel Marketing or Landing Pages is a term used to create a highly Search Friendly web page for business. These pages get a good google search ranking as they are elevated in page speed, one of the search ranking settings. These pages must also have a high call to action score (CTA) to activate the visitor's pulse action to perform the desired action (for example, click the “Learn More” button). As a lead generation agency, Pune we focus on quality ads more than quantity ads.
Catchy Impulsive Lead Generation Landing Page
For any webpage to be effective enough to deliver the desired action, it needs to score high on the following key criteria:
- High on visual appeal
- Split-second speed for instant visitor reaction
- Provide sufficient information for a visitor to be able to find important information
- Mobile friendly.
The above four factors in totality would meet the criteria of a 'Catchy Landing Page'.
And being a lead generation services provider in Pune, we deliver landing pages that give you quality leads.

Call to Action > Lead / Prospect Generation
Lead Generation and “Call To Action” go hand-in-hand. For a page to generate Leads / Prospects for your business, it needs to first connect with the visitors NEED and that NEED should connect with your PRODUCT / SERVICE CAPABILITIES LISTED.
Such a marriage of VISITORS NEED = SERVICE CAPABILITIES can make the visitor take your desired ACTION.. ie; Call-To-Action, which could be your button to submit details or reach your number or any other step towards your desired end-goal.
Funnel Targeting? Local or Global?
The Landing Page need to be targeted on the following 3 points:
- Client segmentation service
- Use segmentation
- Area segmentation.
SEO optimisation needs to equally factor these 3 pointers for it to become a targeted Landing Page.

Speed Matters.. Google & Facebook Loves It. Conversion Happens Fast.
Speed is Lead. Ads management platforms like Google & FB can be used to run campaigns by driving visitors to HIGH-SPEED LANDING PAGES. Due to the fraction of seconds response, it creates an instant experience for the visitor and thus increases the probability of Lead Generation. And Speed always comes at COST, literally. Agencies use CDN networks & high caching mechanisms for such Landing Pages to generate Leads. Higher Ad Conversion (lead generation) from Google / FB Ads is directly proportional to Informative content, Attractively crafted, Speedy landing lead generation pages (sub-second speed).
As we are a globally experienced lead generation company in Pune, we help you to increase your revenue with the team of our expertise strategising for you, delivering incredible results.
B2B or B2C?
B2B or B2C is always the question. Clearly, your product or service defines your space as B2B or B2C. From our end, we recommend clients to use Facebook Ads for B2C and use Google Ads for B2B.Our team has over a decade of experience in lead generation pune. Delivering funnel of leads which converts into value added customers.

Facebook Ads or Google Ads?
While in the previous question we gave 1 broader guidance on B2B or B2C Ad, within B2C space, there can be specific cases where Google Ads is still recommended for B2C segment companies. In some cases we even recommend both Ad platforms.
Finding & Engaging experienced end-to-end Lead Generation Landing Page Consultancy in Pune
As a specialised lead generation & high-speed landing pages agency of Pune, we have served property players & international clients looking for this special expertise. Our team is well versed with the complete set of skills sets required for effective lead generation, landing page makers which covers having the depth of
- Digital Marketing Expertise
- Crafting Mobile responsive Lead Generation Cloud-based High-Speed Landing pages
- Coupled with perfectly crafted Facebook / Google Ads achieves a complete successful picture. We take a very process-oriented approach and put the best of our Creative Hats for client works.